Woodhouse Players

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Friday, June 10, 2005

The 2006+ programme

One of the things discussed at the AGM this year was increasing the number of "studio" productions we do. It's also been clear for a while that it's quite hard to do productions in term-time, because of the disruption it causes for other hall users.

So we have come up with a new suggested programme of productions for 2006 (and if successful, beyond).

The main points are:
  • We are going up from 4 main productions a year to 6
  • Three of these productions will be "studio" productions, which means more modest casts and slightly less elaborate staging
  • Cabaret becomes an annual event
  • The October Half-Term production will become our "big" production for the year
  • Panto and theTriple Bill (+Festival shows) remain where they are in the calendar
  • Two "one-off" slots in the year for rehearsed readings or other projects

Here's the full details of when each thing would happen. "Full" productions are shown in RED and small one-off productions are shown in GREEN

1) SPRING ONE-ACT PLAYS - March thru Easter

Two or Three one-act plays, with an emphasis on new writing. Rehearsals start in January, with the Havering Drama Festival falling in Mid-March and the Waltham Forest Drama Festival falling after Easter.

Five performances, Wed-Sat, at the Welsh Church Hall

2) CABARET - early May

One night of sketches, songs, monologues and routines by Woodhouse members.

3) WHITSUN STUDIO PRODUCTION - Whitsun Half Term (late May, early June)

A full-length play, with rehearsals starting in late March.

Five performances, Wed-Sat


A short-rehearsal period reading, workshop performance or other simple show. One performance probably on a Saturday.


A full-length play, with rehearsals starting early June

Five performances, Wed-Sat


A full-length play, with rehearsals starting in late July/early August

Five performances, Wed-Sat

7) THE "BIG" SHOW - October half term

A full-length play with a larger cast, with rehearsals starting in late July/early August

Between five and seven performances, Wed-Sat

8) NOVEMBER ONE-OFF - late November

A reading or small workshop type production with one performance, probably on a Saturday.

9) PANTOMIME - late December/early January

The usual Xmas frivolity, with somewhere between 6-8 performances.


Tell us what you think of this idea for the new programme! Your feedback welcome to chair@woodhouseplayers.co.uk


  • At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tim, I'm slightly confused - pleased but still slightly confused - with the programme for 2006. If it's difficult to find room to rehearse the plays in our schedule at the moment, I don't see how we can increase our out put without another venue. Looking at the diary for the main hall this year reveals that it has been mass booked by another group using the Welsh Church. Of course, as someone whose been involved/behind the three of the last four minor productions, I'm delighted by the new diary but see the difficulties in the logistics of implementing it. However, it the diary has my full support.


  • At 10:59 AM, Blogger Tim Saward said…

    I'm not sure who's mass booking dates, but provided we still have Weds and Fri evenings, some Saturdays and the odd Tuesday now and then, I think we should be able to accommodate all the "overlaps".

    There will be times when rehearsals need to go on in other places, but not significantly, in our opinion.

    The one big impact this does has is to cut the rehearsal times for some of the plays - in one case down to 7 weeks. Would be interested to see what people make of that.


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