Woodhouse Players

A blog for recording the day-to-day news and decisions we (the committe and members) make for the Woodhouse Players, which also provides you a chance to feedback. You don't need an account to post a comment. You can simply select "post anonymously" then sign your name in the post itself. If you have any trouble using the updates board, contact a member of the committee.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Cabaret Update

We persuaded the very lovely Paul L Martin of www.millionthmuse.com to deliver two (yes, two!) workshops for those who want to do an act in our event on 19 February

Firstly, there was be a short workshop on Tuesday 7 December to help people think about how to formulate their acts, then on Tues 8 February, about two weeks before the cabaret, there will be a longer "masterclass" in which people bring along the acts they've prepared and Paul will offer guidance and suggestions for improvements...

If you missed the first workshop, not to worry! You can still do an act, and we are actively recruiting!

We are also currently seeking a venue for the event itself, in particular somewhere we can drink (so not the WCH!) Suggestions and any offers of help with the event itself, as well as putting an act forward... to chair@woodhouseplayers.co.uk.

The Cabaret is just a Woodhouse Members Event, so we won't be advertising it as we do our other shows. It's just a chance to do a bit of showing off in front of a friendly crowd (heckling only permitted if it's really witty!).

Some of the kinds of acts people might consider (but it's fine if you have an idea that isn't on this list):

- Comedy sketches
(could be taken from your favourite TV shows or plays as this won't be a public performance)

- Songs
(don't forget to organise an accompanist or backing track)

- Dance Routines
(allow for limited space!)

- Juggling, other feats...
(again, allow for limited space)

- Magic Tricks
(live tigers not permitted)

- Improv
(within some parameters!)



  • At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi ReCabaret venue.

    I remeber seeing in the committee minutes that you were considering using the upstairsroom of the Sheep Walk.

    Well it's twenty pounds an hour, unless there are more than thirty people attending - in which gues it's free.

    No time restriction as long as you don't continue after 4am. Bar shuts when people have had enough to drink.

    Ita Hill


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