Woodhouse Players

A blog for recording the day-to-day news and decisions we (the committe and members) make for the Woodhouse Players, which also provides you a chance to feedback. You don't need an account to post a comment. You can simply select "post anonymously" then sign your name in the post itself. If you have any trouble using the updates board, contact a member of the committee.

Friday, June 10, 2005

The 2006+ programme

One of the things discussed at the AGM this year was increasing the number of "studio" productions we do. It's also been clear for a while that it's quite hard to do productions in term-time, because of the disruption it causes for other hall users.

So we have come up with a new suggested programme of productions for 2006 (and if successful, beyond).

The main points are:
  • We are going up from 4 main productions a year to 6
  • Three of these productions will be "studio" productions, which means more modest casts and slightly less elaborate staging
  • Cabaret becomes an annual event
  • The October Half-Term production will become our "big" production for the year
  • Panto and theTriple Bill (+Festival shows) remain where they are in the calendar
  • Two "one-off" slots in the year for rehearsed readings or other projects

Here's the full details of when each thing would happen. "Full" productions are shown in RED and small one-off productions are shown in GREEN

1) SPRING ONE-ACT PLAYS - March thru Easter

Two or Three one-act plays, with an emphasis on new writing. Rehearsals start in January, with the Havering Drama Festival falling in Mid-March and the Waltham Forest Drama Festival falling after Easter.

Five performances, Wed-Sat, at the Welsh Church Hall

2) CABARET - early May

One night of sketches, songs, monologues and routines by Woodhouse members.

3) WHITSUN STUDIO PRODUCTION - Whitsun Half Term (late May, early June)

A full-length play, with rehearsals starting in late March.

Five performances, Wed-Sat


A short-rehearsal period reading, workshop performance or other simple show. One performance probably on a Saturday.


A full-length play, with rehearsals starting early June

Five performances, Wed-Sat


A full-length play, with rehearsals starting in late July/early August

Five performances, Wed-Sat

7) THE "BIG" SHOW - October half term

A full-length play with a larger cast, with rehearsals starting in late July/early August

Between five and seven performances, Wed-Sat

8) NOVEMBER ONE-OFF - late November

A reading or small workshop type production with one performance, probably on a Saturday.

9) PANTOMIME - late December/early January

The usual Xmas frivolity, with somewhere between 6-8 performances.


Tell us what you think of this idea for the new programme! Your feedback welcome to chair@woodhouseplayers.co.uk