Woodhouse Players

A blog for recording the day-to-day news and decisions we (the committe and members) make for the Woodhouse Players, which also provides you a chance to feedback. You don't need an account to post a comment. You can simply select "post anonymously" then sign your name in the post itself. If you have any trouble using the updates board, contact a member of the committee.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Writing Workshop Date to be moved

The Writing Workshop, led by Steve Balchin, was originally scheduled for 17 Sept, but has had to be rescheduled for Tuesday 21 September.

Just as a reminder, here are the details given by Steve... it's not too late to get involved.

"The idea of this is to give writers a chance to see their work performed, and discuss how it would work on stage, to get feedback, and see what works and what doesn't. Priority for possible one act plays for Spring, but if you have something else you've written (or half written) and would like read through then let me know: stephenbalchin@easynet.co.uk (We will, of course, also be after Actors for this.)"

We very much want to encourage new writing, so don't be shy: bring along any wrtiing you've done.

After this workshop on Friday 8 Oct we have a Reading to decide on which one-act plays (new writing and other) we will perform in the Spring. A full guide for how a reading works is at http://www.woodhouseplayers.co.uk/members_programming.html

Finally, for those plays which don't go through to the Triple Bill (either because not selected or because not one-acters), we are planning a Rehearsed Reading in November (exact date tbc) - this is not a full performance, but will offer a performance, on the book, by actors and advertised generally, for one or two plays. A good chance to get more feedback and ideas, if you go in for it. Contact tim@saward.info for more details.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

How's Your HTML?

The new website is up and running now, but I will definitely need some help in creating new pages (in particular the archive pages for old shows). If you have Dreamweaver, or are able to edit HTML "raw", then I would love to hear from you. You can volunteer to do just one page or many. Every little helps (although just to preserve the accessibility of the site, I don't want to edit it using MS Word or FrontPage).

Please contact chair@woodhouseplayers.co.uk for details of what needs doing and how to help.
