Woodhouse Players

A blog for recording the day-to-day news and decisions we (the committe and members) make for the Woodhouse Players, which also provides you a chance to feedback. You don't need an account to post a comment. You can simply select "post anonymously" then sign your name in the post itself. If you have any trouble using the updates board, contact a member of the committee.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Choosing Plays for 2006

Thu 16 February 2006, 7.30pm, Welsh Church Hall

All members are invited to come to the Welsh Church Hall to choose the productions we will do in the Summer and Autumn of 2006.

Anybody in the group can either "advocate" or "suggest" a play for consideration. Just let anyone on the committee know if you want to do this or email chair@woodhouseplayers.co.uk - however try to let us know at least a week before the 14th if you're planning to advocate something.

DON'T FORGET that this year we are expanding the programme, and therefore there are FOUR slots available for plays between June and October. In addition, there are one-off slots.

The slots are: Whitsun Studio Production (1-3 June); Summer Production (27-29 July); September Studio Production (29 Sep - 1 Oct); October Main Production (Oct half-term); plus a one-off in mid July for the Leytonstone Festival and a one-off in November.

We will add new suggestions here as they come in.

Already we have:

The Dresser by Ronald Harwood (1981)
advocated by Chris Pethers for the Whitsun Studio or Sept Studio slots

Teechers by John Godber (1987)
advocated by Shauntelle Benjamin for the Whitsun Studio or Sept Studio slots

Antigone by Jean Anouilh
advocated by Basil Clarke for the Whitsun Studio or Sept Studio slots

Life of Galileo by Bertolt Brecht (1938/45), trans. Charles Laughton
advocated by Tim Saward for the July Production or Sept Studio slots

The Tempest by William Shakespeare (1611-12)
advocated by Tim Saward on behalf of Carla MacLean for the July Production

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (adaptation)
advocated by Sacha Walker for the October main production

Don't forget it's YOUR group, so please make your voice heard! That way we can be sure that the group is doing things that you want!

Full details of how to suggest and advocate are at http://www.woodhouseplayers.co.uk/members_programming.html - you can also find out exactly how we'll make our decision if there are competing projects.

If you're interested in directing/producing, but aren't sure what play to advocate, we have a list of plays suggested by members at www.woodhouseplayers.co.uk/members_slushpile.html so check that out too!

Directing Workshop!

Tuesday 24 January, 7.30, Welsh Church Hall

Have you ever thought of directing a play? Or have you directed before and would like to develop/refresh your skills? Or are you just curious to know more about it?

This year the group is doing more shows: we need more people to direct, whether in teams or independently, on a range of projects from smaller to larger. So here's a chance to learn more about what directing's all about from three of the group's regular directors: Tim, Carla and Steve.

We'll be looking at:
- how to develop a vision for a play
- how to communicate your vision to your team
- how to run rehearsals
- a bit of the theory behind directing
as well as lots of practical tips that you could use to direct or jointly direct a Woodhouse show.

So come along and find out more! If you'd like to sign up for this workshop email chair@woodhouseplayers.co.uk . We will be seeking directors to put ideas forward in February for our newly expanded 2006 programme, so it's perfect timing!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Groupie Night!


- Come out to the Savoy Hotel
- Help us raise £500 for Woodhouse
- Bring friends - we need at least 50 people!

Dear everyone,

We've been asked by the Young Solicitors Group to act as "extras" for their Annual Ball at the Savoy Hotel on the Strand on the evening of Sat 4 February, from 7-8pm. They want 50 of us - a bit of acting and excitement is called for.

What's in it for us? We will get a much-needed £500 for Woodhouse's funds, just for an hour's work!

We need at least 50 people to make a convincing crowd, so please clear this date in your diary and contact chair@woodhouseplayers.co.uk to let us know you're coming and how many you're bringing. (Please do bring friends along, but make sure they're prepared to join in the spirit and do a bit of acting!)

Great Happiness!