Woodhouse Players

A blog for recording the day-to-day news and decisions we (the committe and members) make for the Woodhouse Players, which also provides you a chance to feedback. You don't need an account to post a comment. You can simply select "post anonymously" then sign your name in the post itself. If you have any trouble using the updates board, contact a member of the committee.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Mega Tidy Up

We have decided to set Saturday 13 November aside for a big tidy-up of the Welsh Church Hall. Over the years, we have acquired a lot of stuff, and we need help to put it all in order.

Volunteers are therefore most welcome: there's a clear plan for what we need to do and we will make use of all hands who arrive. Kick off is at 12.30, although if you can't make it till later, that's fine.

At the end of the day we will most likely go to the pub and for a curry afterwards. What more incentive do you need?

Contact secretary@woodhouseplayers.co.uk to go on the list of volunteers.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Triple Bill and Rehearsed Reading plays chosen

We got together on 8 October to select the plays for the Triple Bill and for the Rehearsed Reading on 20 November.

They will be:


Mother's Runaway Daughter by Jean Medcalf

We're looking for a director for this verse-play that recounts the life of an East London woman from the turn of the century through both world wars, using song and non-naturalistic staging.

variable cast of 5+, mainly women

Contact chair@woodhouseplayers.co.uk to find out more about directing this, or to volunteer.

Waiting by Jackie Braithwaite

A director sought for this gritty, tense two-hander, set in one room, dealing with the relationship between a schoolgirl and a man of 30.

cast of 2 principals with a silent cameo at the end for a man.

Contact chair@woodhouseplayers.co.uk to find out more about directing this, or to volunteer.

Jenson and Hyde by Stephen Balchin

A fast-moving comedy drama about a man who decides to switch personalities with the help of some unscrupulous scientists.

19 parts but fewer actors, a fair amount of doubling - a good opportunity to test your acting muscles.

directed by Ita Hill and Tim Saward

The Bear by Anton Chekhov in a new translation by Basil Clarke

A farce, satiristing the over-excitable emotionality of the Russian people.
(2 men, 1 woman)

Jules Versus the Next Contestants by Ita Hill

A dark futuristic comedy imagining the ultimate destination of reality TV. Four defendants have to prove they have the right to live, under the eye of TV host Sam. Three will die, just one survive. Or will they? Jules has other plans.

Cast of around 7, mixture of men and women.


Auditions for the Triple Bill plays will be in January, after the end of panto. If you'd like to participate in the rehearsed reading (no audition required), contact Ita Hill on hill_ita@hotmail.com or me on chair@woodhouseplayers.co.uk