On 15 May, a few Woodhousers got together to decide between two possible panto scripts: "Dick Whittington's Cat" by Vicki Harris and "Jack and the Beanstalk" by Nick Pickles.
We decided on "Jack and the Beanstalk", but on condition that we need to know there is someone (or some people) willing to direct/produce the show, so the hunt is on for a core production team by 31 May!
I have said that I am interested in being the Songs Director, creating routines and rehearsing singing for all the musical numbers in the show. However, that would leave us looking for people to direct the main body of the panto and also handle the production (finding props, costumes, budgeting, doing publicity etc.)
We came up with the idea of a PRODUCTION TEAM as a way of sharing out the heavy load that is normally just the panto director's alone, including more than one director. For example, if you had one Songs Director and (up to) four Scenes Directors then the preparation and attention given to blocking, routines and focused rehearsal could be really upped, without leaving just one person trying to do everything.
Although this approach might not be suitable for some productions, we thought that in panto it really is possible to accommodate different styles - they are already a sort of variety show with added plot anyway.
If you had multiple directors, it's certainly true you would need one "senior" director to look after continuity and scene changes, and to take charge of the final set of run throughs, but it would give a chance for some other directors to get some valuable experience, without having to take on the full commitment.
Here is a suggested lineup. We could be looking for...
SONGS DIRECTOR (Tim Saward + maybe one other?)
If you would be interested in taking on a portion of the directing (or quite a big chunk if you prefer) then contact tim@saward.info before 31 May giving an idea of how much you would like to do.